I am so pleased to have been of help to so many people. The testimonials below provide me with additional acknowledgement of this. Please take a look and if so inspired, please provide your feedback, too.
A 50% discount is offered for posted testimonials. Thank you ~Rob

"You connected me to my DAD that had passed away 29 years ago. I was really wanting to her from him and receive a message and a number which you did (5).
My dad sent me a check with the number 5 on it in my dreams a long time ago and I just wanted conformation. Thanks again you were so BANG ON!!"
"Wow, thank you so
much. I saw 333 again
today. Haha. You are right,
I am holding
in a lot of resentment
I should probably let go.
"Rob, your reading for me was superb. Very, very helpful. I love how you are clear about what cards mean vs what you are getting through your clairs. Thank you again."
~Aria Norman
"Oh my gosh!!! This is absolutely amazing. Thank you so much... I really do feel a shift in my life. I'm a new college student and so much change is happening now and I'm wondering if I made the right decision in where I'm at/ my career path, this is so assuring and so amazing. Thank you!"
"The reading you gave me on Friday made much more sense, today. A ton more! You were dead on accurate! Thank you"
"OMG, This was
EXTREMELY accurate!
My mom just passed
and I got out of a
relationship. I've been
healing & focusing
on myself,
"You connected me to my grandmother tonight. You spoke of her favorite place... Our family cabin. You spoke of the poker nights there and things no one could possibly know. This reading made me feel so relieved. She's here and the cards I got were trust and protection. You lifted a great weight off my shoulders and for that I am grateful! Thanks again!! Xx"
"You're an amazing reader! Please keep doing Lives (Tiktok's)! You are the best reader ever. Thank you much!"
"Thank you so very much!
I have been feeling a little
out of sorts not paying attention to my signs like I should!"
It literally explains my whole life. I appreciate you so much!!! this made my day, OMG!
"Thank you so much it does resonate! I've been told that I need to have patience and maintain a positive mindset; the energy you put out is what you receive. Thank you so much again!"
"I felt so lost until you gave me so much hope!! The reading was so accurate that I had goosebumps! Because of you, I’m motivated to work hard towards my goal! TYSM!!"
"Thank youuuu! This was accurate! Someone said a few words to me, harsh ones and I let them go. I'm finding forgiveness in it and just moving on with life."
"Thank you for this reading, I really needed some answers! I know I should focus on myself right now and this was confirmation. Again, Thank you!"
"It resonated so much,
I've been going through a rough time rn and this
is what I needed <3"
"Definitely spot on! Oh yeah, definitely a time of chaos! I am becoming more aware spiritually & mental health-wise. Thank you!"
Submit A Testimonial
If you provide a testimonial in the form below and it gets posted to the website, you will receive 50% off any card reading or personal appointment on this website.